We are happy to be back with a booth and physical presence to a conference, after the SARS-COV-2 pandemic, and we are glad this new start happened in Prague for ANIMMA 2021. As always was a very interesting conference, with a strong participation, and we were delighted to meet all the participants.

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Contributions list

Description Speaker
Design of advanced MICADO’s passive and active neutron measurement system for radioactive waste drums assays Quentin Ducasse Yes (poster)
The gamma and neutron monitor counters for the MICADO project Paolo Finocchiaro Yes (talk)
Characterization of nuclear waste packages by active photon interrogation with mobile or stationary systems based respectively on 7 or 9 MeV linacs Adrien Sari yes talk
The Euratom project MICADO and its innovative characterization process of the Nuclear Waste Packages Erica Fanchini Yes (talk)
Timepix3 detector network for nuclear waste monitoring Bartolomej Biskup Yes (poster)